WebOct 9, 2016 · 0 Because you use Insert Into in your stored procedure. Access based on Tables property: SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter (cmd); adp.Fill (dsDataSet); var table1 = dsDataSet.Tables [0]; var table2 = dsDataSet.Tables [1]; Link : http://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/system.data.dataset.tables.aspx Share Improve … WebDec 20, 2011 · You need to do the following to fix it: Modify the underlying code to not swallow the exception, but rather let it bubble up to the next level so you can identify it properly. Identify the query (s) causing the problem, and then rewrite, reindex, denormalize or throw hardware at the problem. See this for more info: System.Data.SqlClient ...
Having an error "Cannot find table 0" C#
WebOct 7, 2024 · int count = ds.Tables.Count; if (count != 0) { return ds.Tables [0]; // am getting could not find table 0 as the table collection is zero } else { return null; } } catch ( Exception ex) { throw; } finally { dbCommand = null; if (sqlConn.State != ConnectionState .Closed) { sqlConn.Close (); } db = null; } } } Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:16 AM Answers WebFeb 13, 2016 · If you are expecting result set (s) and couldn't see it in DataSet object then DO NOT ATTEMPT to hide further by using DataSet.Tables.Count == 0 or DataSet.Tables.Count != 0. See Issue 1,2,3 explanation. Face the error, figure out why it's not returning the result set, don't further hide it . Posted 12-Feb-16 9:26am Wonde Tadesse imperial public library zip books
Having an error "Cannot find table 0" C#
WebOct 3, 2015 · database.AddInParameter(storedProcCommand, objNVC.GetKey(i), DbType.AnsiString, Convert.ToString(objNVC[i]));}} Web2 Answers. Sure. You have the Select method off of a DataTable. GEt the table from your DataSet, and use Select to snag it. void Demo (DataSet ds) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables [0]; // refer to your table of interest within the DataSet dt.Select ("Field = 1"); // replace with your criteria as appropriate } WebJun 11, 2014 · Then check to see if dataset (which isn't necessarily the name of your DataSet) is null. If the DataSet isn't null, then the Tables property will exist and if there are no tables, then the Count property will still exist. Then you can decide what that means based on the details of your app. imperial publishing emily ratajkowski